Home is a beautiful word that means many different things to different people. So I have found myself at home again, meaning I moved back in with my parents, a very good move. I love being in this house. I love having my family around. I love the big yard and trees and flowers. I love feeling like a part of family all the time, although I have been consistently sleeping through 6 am scripture time which I intend to repent of.
This has been a busy week for the fam (nothing is ever very busy for me - I have oodles of time to do with as I please at the moment, although getting another job is what my mother would like me to be doing... we can get into that later) but it has been kind of fun to be the extra adult around the house. I like helping Ali and Will with their homework. I like making deals with Will so he practices. I like hearing about the things they are involved in on a daily basis as opposed to a weekly basis. I took them both to a little Salvadorean restaurant on center street last night that I discovered through a friend and we had a great time trying new food, making it home in time to enjoy American Idol and Fringe over icecream. It was good sibling bonding time.
For those who didn't know, I'm almost done with my mission papers and hope to be getting my call in the beginning of June. I'm so excited about my decision to serve, but being home has made me realize how much I am going to miss my family. And I think that is a good thing. Spending all the time I can with them now and strengthening my relationship with each person is exactly what I feel like I should be doing. I am so grateful for the time I have to be HOME.